Dinosaur Island Wikia

Yutyrannus is a genus of tyrannosauroid dinosaur. This genus of large predators have a body covering of feathers that covers the animal. The feathers are mainly located on the abdomen, the tail, and around the neck. The only yutyrannus seen thus far on Dinosaur Island is a male individual named Blizzard


Male yutyrannus have a full, body covering of white feathers with it only stopping at the mouth,hands,and feet. The scales on yutyrannus are a shade of brown. yutyrannus' are known to posses a small orange "crest" on their head, the "crest" was most likely used for display purposes, as the vibrant colours drastically contrast with the white feathers that coat the animals. They also have some black feathers sprinkled around the neck area.


Yutyrannus have only been spotted on the South side of the island.


  • Dinosaur Island

Known Yutyrannus[]


Yutyrannus are bionclesaurus’ favourite dinosaur
